Sexual health
At Brownlow Health we provide comprehensive and confidential sexual health and contraceptive services.
Simply ask for one of the nurse appointments via reception. We have specialist Sexual Health Practitioners to assist you.
Long Acting Reversible Contraceptive (LARC) services (Coils and implants)
Brownlow Central & Marybone patients can now access dedicated LARC clinics held at our Ropewalks, Pembroke Place and Student Health sites.
LARC clinic times
2.30-5.30pm @ Ropewalks
9-11.30am @ Ropewalks
1.30-4.30pm @ Ropewalks
9.30-12pm @ Student Health
8.30-11.30am @ Pembroke Place (Implant only)
4-6pm @ Ropewalks
What is LARC?
Long acting reversible contraceptives, such as the implant or the non-hormonal and hormonal coil, are contraceptive methods that do not depend on you remembering to take or use them for them to be effective and can last between 3-10 years depending on which form of LARC you decide to use. LARC’s have many advantages over alternative contraception methods such as the pill.
What LARC do you fit at Brownlow and which is right for me?
There are 3 forms of LARC we provide at Brownlow, 2 types of coil and the implant:
IUD (Intrauterine Device) also known as the ‘Copper Coil’
An IUD is a small plastic T-shape that is fitted into your womb (uterus). This form of coil is non-hormonal, so stops pregnancy by releasing copper into the womb. IUD is over 99% effective, works as soon as it is put in and lasts between 5-10 years depending on the type. An IUD can also be used as a form of emergency contraception.
An IUD can be used whilst breastfeeding, and after removal fertility returns to previous levels straight away.
IUS (Intrauterine System) or hormonal coil
An IUS is a small plastic T-shape that is fitted into your womb (uterus). It stops pregnancy by releasing the hormone progestogen into your womb. IUS is over 99% effective, works as soon as it is put in and lasts between 3-8 years depending on the type.
An IUS can be used whilst breastfeeding and can usually be fitted soon after giving birth. After IUS removal, fertility returns to previous levels straight away.
An IUS can make periods lighter, shorter and less painful and therefore it can be an effective treatment for heavy periods.
An IUS can be used as part of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause symptoms.
Contraceptive Implant
The contraceptive implant is a small plastic rod, around 4cm long, that is put under the skin of your arm. It prevents pregnancy by releasing the hormone progestogen, which stops the ovaries releasing an egg each month. The implant is effective for 3 years before it needs to be replaced and is 99% effective if replaced every 3 years. A specially trained GP or nurse can remove the implant at any time if you no longer want to use it and once the implant is removed your chance of getting pregnant will immediately return to what it was before the implant was fitted.
How do I book an appointment?
- Self-refer via the following link –
- Contact your practice via telephone
- Submit a Blinx Health Form online via our website
To find out more visit
Other contraceptive Services
In addition to the above Long Acting Contraceptives, we are able to advise on and provide the following contraceptive services:
• Contraceptive injection – Depo Provera / Sayana Press
• Oral Contraception – combined and Progesterone only pills
• Condoms
• Contraceptive rings and patches
Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
We are able to screen and arrange treatment for a range of conditions
• Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea- swab or urine sample
• Trichomonas – swab
• Genital warts
• Genital herpes
• Hepatitis B and C – blood test
• HIV – blood test
• Syphilis – bloood test
Additional Swabs
• Candida (Thrush)
• Bacterial vaginosis
Cervical Smears
All women aged between 25 and 64 are invited for cervical screening. Women aged between 25 and 49 are invited for testing every three years, and women aged between 50 and 64 are invited every five years.
Being screened regularly means that any abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix can be identified at an early stage and, if necessary, treated to stop cancer developing.
More information can be found HERE
Useful Links
SH:24. Order a free Chlamydia test online HERE, or access other online services such as emergency contraception or contraceptive prescriptions, through this service commissioned by Merseycare for Liverpool residents HERE.
Unplanned pregnancy advice, including for those considering a termination (abortion). This is a link to local service results on the LiveWell Liverpool page, which is regularly updated.
Axess Sexual Health Liverpool – Advice, support, and alternative local services. 0300 323 1300
Axess Sexual Health Clinics
Walk In – Monday-Friday @ Linda McCartney Centre, Royal Liverpool Hospital
Booked Appointments – Linda McCartney Centre, The Beat WIC, and South Liverpool Treatment Centre
Telephone – 0300 323 1300, option 4
Website –
Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre for Women in Merseyside. Helpline: 0151 666 1392
Safe place Merseyside – the sexual assault referral centre for Merseyside
Free self-sampling kits for HIV testing.Order a free Chlamydia test online (SH:24)
Admin requests, sick notes, booking certain appointments, and more.
Find out how to order repeat prescriptions online.
Register as a patient with the practice.