This is a resource intended for GP Registrars (doctors who are training to be GPs), but it may also be helpful for others, such as GPs themselves or medical students.
We will try our best to keep this list updated, but cannot accept liability for any errors, or content on external websites.
NEWS2 National Early Warning Score (NEWS) 2 – MDCalc Determines the degree of illness of a patient and prompts critical care intervention – often requested by NWAS to prioritise urgency of ambulance response.
TOXBASE – poisons information database for clinical toxicology advice (requires a password. See your trainer or ask colleagues if needed).
Mental Health crisis
Crisis services | Mind, the mental health charity – help for mental health problems
Crisis line Liverpool 01512967200
Mental Health Toolkit (rcgp.org.uk)
Professional Bodies
British Medical Association Links to online learning, BMJ
Royal College of General Practitioners (rcgp.org.uk) links to portfolio, GP curriculum, BJGP
GMC Applying for specialist or GP registration – GMC (gmc-uk.org)
MDDUS https://www.mddus.com/
MPS Medical Protection Society
Pan Mersey Formulary including the antibiotic formulary
NICE table for risk of serious illness in under 5s NG143 Traffic light tool (nice.org.uk)
Green Top Guidelines (rcog.org.uk) Obstetric and gynaecology guidelines
FRSH Standards & guidance – Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (fsrh.org) Links UKMEC and guidelines
NICE | The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (including links to CKS Clinical knowledge summaries, BNF and BNFc)
MIMS Clinical tables, disease and medical condition | MIMS online subscription required for some of the resources
British Thoracic society guidance Guidelines | British Thoracic Society | Better lung health for all (brit-thoracic.org.uk)
British society of gastroenterologists Guidelines – The British Society of Gastroenterology (bsg.org.uk)
British society of rheumatologists Guidelines | British Society for Rheumatology
Greenbook Immunisation against infectious disease – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) The Green Book has the latest information on vaccines and vaccination procedures, for vaccine preventable infectious diseases in the UK
Infection control advice for schools and other childcare settings Guidance_on_infection_control_in schools_poster.pdf (hscni.net)
Fraser guidelines Gillick competence and Fraser guidelines | NSPCC Learning
BAD British Association of Dermatologists – Clinical Guidelines (bad.org.uk) Useful guidelines and patient advice leaflets
DermNet NZ – All about the skin | DermNet NZ Really useful pictures to aid diagnosis
PCDS Concise guidance: National Primary Care Treatment and Referral Guidelines for Common Skin Conditions (pcds.org.uk) Approaching dermatology conditions from a primary care perspective
Psychiatry – information for patients and carers Mental health problems and disorders | Royal College of Psychiatrists (rcpsych.ac.uk)
Criteria based treatments Liverpool CCG – Criteria Based Clinical Treatments
Procedures of low clinical priority procedures-of-lower-clinical-priority-commissioning-policy-plcp-includes-fertility.pdf (liverpoolccg.nhs.uk)
Exam support
AKT resource list, from Health Education England
RCA guide – MRCGP: Recorded Consultation Assessment (RCA)
Primary Care Guidlines– a list curated by ‘Paediatric Pearls’
Consulting skills
Teaching and learning consulting skills
Training resources
Content provided by Brownlow Health
Published on Fri, 09 Sep 2022 21:12:29 GMT
Modified on Fri, 09 Sep 2022 21:12:29 GMT