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Named GP

Due to new contractual requirements, we now have to allocate all patients with a named GP.

This is a good idea in principle, and in fact we always encourage patients to aim for continuity with one particular doctor, especially for ongoing problems. However, with thousands of patients this is inevitably going to involve an automated process, leaving us with the situation that people will on paper have a ‘named GP’ but in practice will be seeing a different regular doctor.

Please be reassured that the allocation of a named GP does not commit you to seeing that particular doctor.

However, if you are new to the practice, or do not already have a regular doctor, then your named GP would be a good first port of call when choosing pre-booked appointments (as opposed to same day access appointments, where the emphasis is on access rather than continuity). If you do not know who your named GP is, and wish to find out, please contact the practice.


[dvmd_table_maker tbl_column_header_count=”0″ tbl_frame_gap_col=”0px” tbl_frame_gap_row=”0px” _builder_version=”4.11.3″ _module_preset=”default” tbl_chead_text_text_color=”#FFFFFF” tbl_rhead_text_font=”|800|||||||” tbl_rhead_text_text_color=”#FFFFFF” global_colors_info=”{}”][dvmd_table_maker_item col_content=”house_alt SELF CARE
profile PHARMACY
phone NHS 111
group GP
building_alt A&E or 999″ col_icon_type=”%%236%%” col_icon_size=”31px” col_icon_color=”#FFFFFF” col_rhead_cell_color=”#FFFFFF” _builder_version=”4.11.3″ _module_preset=”default” col_tcell_text_font=”|700|||||||” col_tcell_text_text_color=”#FFFFFF” col_tcell_text_font_size=”24px” col_rhead_text_text_color=”#FFFFFF” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dvmd_table_maker_item][dvmd_table_maker_item col_content=” Grazed knee, sore throat, cold, hangover
Diarrhoea, runny nose, headache, rashes
Unwell? Unsure? Don’t know where to go?
Unwell, back pain, mental health, long term conditions
Sprains, strains, stitches
Choking, chest pain, blackouts, blood los” col_rhead_cell_color=”#FFFFFF” _builder_version=”4.11.3″ _module_preset=”default” col_tcell_text_font=”||||||||” col_tcell_text_text_color=”#FFFFFF” col_tcell_text_font_size=”16px” col_rhead_text_text_color=”#FFFFFF” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dvmd_table_maker_item][/dvmd_table_maker]


Admin requests, sick notes, booking certain appointments, and more. 


Find out how to order repeat prescriptions online.


Register as a patient with the practice.