GP champs project
Brownlow Health is one of 10 practices across the country that was involved with a pioneering 3 year project (2012-2015) to improve the health of young people- ‘GP champions for youth health’- and we’re delighted to say it has been a great success.
The initiative was initially driven by the Department of Health, and run by the Association of Young Peoples Health, Youth Access, and the RCGP Adolescent Health Group, with a view to bridging the gap between General Practice and the voluntary youth sector,
Here in Liverpool we have teamed up with YPAS (Young Persons Advisory Service) to develop a young persons health drop in.
Young people themselves were saying that there was a need for an environment were they felt they could talk about issues such as alcohol, drugs, pregnancy, self harm, depression and eating disorders, and this project provides a safe environment for them to do so.
It runs on the first Wednesday of every month, 3-6pm, at YPAS, 36 Bolton St, Liverpool L3 5LX. Dr Diane Exley is the lead GP.
More information about the national project can be found on the AYPH website.
You can also watch this video about how the project works in Liverpool
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